Well it seems that the Sacramento kings are going to be staying in Sacramento for at least one more season. I am crossing my fingers that we can get an arena plan to keep them here.....It isn't official yet though, but it looks very promising.
The Kings fans have been showing their civic pride for their team. There Was #HereWePurple #HereWeGreet ,#HereWeStay, #HereWeSit and #HereWeBuild. The fans have continued to show their love and support for the team even while facing uncertainties of where the team will play next season. I still can't believe how much good news we have got. There is so much optimism now in Sacramento. =]
It seemed that our team was going to Anaheim, and there wasn't much we could do about it, but our mayor Kevin Johnson put up a good fight to help us keep the kings. And we had to keep believing that they would stay.
The last game of the season was against the Lakers. It was a sold out game. Granted some people were Laker fans,but the mood for the kings fans was somber, and just disappointed in the turn of events.
That game. The laker game wasn't just a game not for the fans in attendance.Or for the City of Sacramento in general. I am sure that the coaches and Grant and Jerry noticed it as well ....That game was so much more than just a basketball game. You saw people fight for their team, and they didn't want to leave.The future was so uncertain they weren't sure if the kings would be here next season or not. You watched Grant and Jerry get teary on the "Final Sign off" and then they played Tesla's love song...and still the fans stayed and chanted.
they stayed until they were asked to leave.
I have heard some kings players former and current express frustration about the possibility of moving to Anaheim. See the fans love the team,and the team loves the fans we just need to get them a good arena.

OK, now I will talk about the play I think the where playing better towards the end of the season, and better on the road then at home. This team has a very bright future with Tyreke, Demarcus and Marcus. With a good FA signing and another good draft pick this team will be fun to watch for a long time.
The team won one game short of there win total last year, but they were playing better down the stretch though.