And Donte Greene apparently felt the same way that Sac-town deserves an exhibition game. because Next thing you know he is tweeting players asking them to play in the game. The Goon Squad Classic, and now it has a name.
The players in the game include:
I am just amazed that one simple tweet managed to do all of this.
The roster for the Goon Squad classic game was
on team black was Donte Greene, Jason Thompson, Spencer Hawes and Jimmer
The purple team had Tyreke Evans, Demarcus Cousins, Isiah Thomas, Matt Barnes, and Hassan Whiteside
(John Wall was in attendance, but didn't play)
Donte Greene surprised the 2 rookies with a dance off
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uozW9wD5vuA (is jimmer's dance)
Some things I noticed from that game are that Tyreke shot looks good. and the fans already love Jimmer. (whenever he had the ball they would scream shoot it)
There wasn't much if any defense played, but it was a basketball game that we wouldn't have seen if it wasn't for Donte...This game did feature a lot of "ohhhs" from the crowd after a good dunk,alley oops or block..In the end the Black team won. 167-164.